Copyright on this rulebook is owned by STACK; Sport, Team And Competitive Kiting, and AKA; American Kite Association
Publishing is only allowed (after approval of STACK) under the following conditions:
[ please take note of the latestamendments (april 1996) !]
A. Rules and Manoeuvers
Competitors are expected to be aware of rule changes and compulsory manoeuvers. The information will be announced by event organizers at least thirty days before the date of an event.
B. Safe Flying
Flying in a manner that endangers the safety of anyone, including the competitors, whether during competition or otherwise, will be grounds for disqualification (See II.E., for more information).
C. Pre-Flight Meetings
Prior to the start of each day's competition, a preflight meeting should be held. Competitors competing that day are strongly encourages to attend both meetings. Competitors who do not attend the pre-flight meetings are expected to know about any flight order changes, boundary interpretations, or other information announced during this meeting. The putpose of the meeting is to:
1. Provide the Flight Order (if not available previously);
2. Allow the competitors to ask for clarification of rules, scoring, judging, etc.;
3. Collect the audio tapes (Ballet or Free Style events only);
4. Announce any changes to the posted schedule, process, etc.;
5. Introduce the officials;
6. Clarify boundaries
Prior to the start of each competition event, the head judge may hold a roll call, colletct tapes (if applicable), go over any last minute changes, etc. (see Appendix E for additional information).
D. Launch Crew
One or more individuals are permitted to be located on the inside edge of the competition field to assist competitors with setup, launch or relaunch activities. Competitors must provide their own launch crews. Launch crews are permitted to retie lines, replace or refit spars or standoffs, etc.; however, they must do so within the specific time limits set for that event (Such activities may include kite replacements only during a wind recess.).
E. Initial Setup Times
1. In order to achieve a efficient flow of events during a competition and to assure that all competitors are treated equitably, competitors are required to move expeditiously from the Stage-In Area to the competition field. Where adequate wind exists and the field configuration allows, the Pit Boss will request that competitors fly rather than walk their kites from the Stage-In Area to the competition field.
2. Once positioned on the Competition Field, the individual or team is required to do a wind (wind window) check consisting of the following: Horizontal and vertical window check (flying to the top and bottom, then left and right); several horizontal figure eights to check wind consistency; and launch crew setup. Field Directors will allow a reasonable amount of time for accomplishing the above.
3. If the Field Director or Head Judge determines that time is being wasted during these procedures, the following applies:
a. The Field Director will issue a "90 seconds to go" warning and will start her/his stopwatch.
b. If the competitor does not commence the performance within the 90 seconds allowed, the Field Director will notify the Head Judge, who if he/she concurs, will disqualify the competitor and instruct the Field Director to ask them to leave the competition field.
4. The maximum setup time for Free Style event competitors is five minutes, starting as soon as the competition field is available.
F. Kites & Equipment
1. Competitors may use any type of dual-line kite for dual-line or quad-line kit for quad-line competition, so long as the kite(s) can be flown safely in the competition field provided.
2. Competitors may not change kites or equipment once they have entered the Competition Field. (See Wind Delay Rules for exceptions, section II.D.5.) Pilot use of ground instruments or props is not allowed (See exceptions, Section III.E.2.a.&III.E.3.).
Individuals and teams may not replace damaged kites with replacement kites. Launch Crews must have all necessary replacement parts inside the competition field. No additional replacement parts are allowed on the Competition Field once the performance has started. Should any additional replacement parts be brought from outside the Competition Field for the repair of kites, the performance will be treated as a Crash without Relaunch. (2 pt penalty and the termination of the performance.)
Time Limit: Should a kite need repair, whether it is in flight or on the ground, and the Launch Crew is used to execute that repair, the 45 second rule applies. (Exception: The unsuccessful repair of kites with less than 45 seconds left in the performance will not incur the 2 pt penalty; See IVC, The 45 Second Rule).
a. The use of tails, relaunch bones, accelerators, coupling devices and other items are permitted, provided they are directly attached (either temporarily or permanently) to the kite. Non-stock items may be used or nay instrument or device that improves safety. The use of any form of pyrotechnics attached to a kite is not allowed, with a possible exception for Free Style performances. Check with the Event Organizer and Chief Judge for a ruling on potentially dangerous and/or hazardous materials.
3. In the Free Style event the restrictions listed in 2.a. above do not apply, unless otherwise stated. Any addition of props, hardware or ground instruments that may constitute a safety hazard to the competitor or the spectators may be deemed unacceptable (Check with the Event Organizer and Chief Judge for a ruling).
G. Stage-in Reporting
After the pre-flight meeting the first competitor must report to the Competition Field immediately for preparation and setup. The next three competitors must report to the Stage-In area. Competitors are responsible for keeping track of their performance times. They must be in the Stage-In area prior to moving to the Competition Field, otherwise, they are disqualified. Competitors should not leave extra equipment (out-streched lines, kites, etc.) on the ground; this is especially critical when the edge of the competition field is also used as a stage-in area.
H. Coaching
Sideline coaching is not permitted, including radio headset contact between sideline coaches and competitors. Teams and Pairs may use headset radios to communicate among themselves during their performance as long as they do not interfere with the communication system(s) used by officials.
I. Protests
1. A competitor who believes that he or she has been improperly treated, for whatever reason, may file a formal protest. Protests must be submitted in writing, reference the specific rule book section(s) affected and be as specific as possible. They must be filed with the Head Judge, Chief Judge or Event Organizer immediately following the incident in a manner which is not disruptive to any competitions in progress.
2. The Head Judge, Chief Judge and/or Event Organizer will review the protest, gather relevant information, make a final decision, and communicate such decision to the person(s) who filed the request before that competition event can be considered completed.