These amendments (dated april 1996) replace the amendments and STACK notes in the "STACK reprint" of Rule Book III.


From the start of the first Pilot's Meeting on a day until the Chief Judge clearly announces so (but generally at the moment the last competitor of the day leaves the field) the competition fields are in "Competition Mode" which means:


At each competition event a Supervisory Committee shall be installed. That committee will consist of the STACK-liaison (If the STACK Sanction Form is in use, starting april 1996 someone appointed by SIEC will act as a 'liaison' between organizer and STACK.) , one of the judges and a flier's representative. The flier's representative is to be chosen by all fliers latest at the first Pilot's meeting. (The judge in this committee should not however be the Chief judge or (one of) the Head Judge(s))

In case of a protest that can not be solved by the Chief Judge, this committee will take a final decision.

If after the event a flier, judge or the organizer still feels that an incorrect decision has been made by this Committee then a protest can be made directly to the SIEC. Any decisions made by SIEC will be for future use. The decision of the Supervisory committee will not be changed.


A debriefing shall be held at all competition-events, either each day or at the end of the event. This debriefing is mandatory for every STACK-approved event, and the organiser shall provide a suitable -sheltered- place for it. The purpose of those meetings will be to provide the opportunity to fliers, judges and organisers to comment on things that happened, suggest -future- solutions to problems noticed, discuss rules etc. In general to deliver feedback to all who flew, judged or organised.

Fliers can get information about their scores (the things that don't show in scores), judges about how fliers like to be judged (so they can judge the others better), organisers about how every body who attended thinks about all that happened. In short: to learn!


Set-up time:

defined as the time between the competitor being asked by the Field Director to step into the field, and calling the (first) "IN" will be:

If the competitor fails to call "IN" the compulsory is considered not to have been flown.

If the competitor fails to call "IN" at the start of a routine that routine is considered to have been started at the time the "IN" call should have been made. (see set-up scheme precision)


Timing "Standard Precision" competition.("Standard Precision": seperate compulsories and freestyle routine)

In all cases competitors can call "IN" earlier, as long as they check with the Field Director that the judges are ready.


During "Set-up" time competitors can make a choice of any of the equipment (kites, lines etc.) brought with them into the Stage-in area. The rules about repairing kites and replacing lines in rule Book III are still valid after "Set-up" time.


Field Size

Flying field (the area between the disqualification or "red flag" boudary) of Competition Fields shall have the following minimum size


Calculations of the deductions for Improper Ending (see page 19 Rule Book III, or page 23 STACK reprint)

The calculation of the mandatory deductions for "Improper Ending" are not as simple as is suggested in Rulebook III.

Taking the percentages that are mentioned as the essence of this rule the following calculations should be done.
(Take note: end score is on a scale 0-100; judges score on a scale 0-10!)

Deductions for "improper ending" mentioned here shall be used instead of the ones in Rule Book III.

Precision (Freestyle part):

4.5% of the Freestyle (not the end score which includes compulsories!) means for:


5.4% from end score means 5.4 pts

indiv./ teams: deduction of 1.8 pts from Choreography means 1.8 * 0.6 * 10 = 10.8 pts! So the correct deduction must be 0.9 pts from Choreography!

League style: one can argue that League style does not contain a "freestyle" element (but you also could argue that what is called "Continuity" is that element).

If a penalty for an improper ending would be applied for Continuity only, with a 4.5% influence, the deduction would be 0.45 pts of Continuity-score!

If any of these amendments is in contradiction with the current rules in Rule Book III these amendments prevail.

The following is only included as information; it is not a rule!

Used in several events in 1995 is a scheme to make sure every competitor has the assistance of a ground crew. The best time to ask all competitors if they want to follow this scheme is at the first pilots meeting.

To prevent competitors to be on the competition field too long the following scheme is used:

the one-before-last competitor (so in a field of 12 that would be nr. 11) will assist the first competitor, the last one will assist nr. two; the first competitor assists nr. three, the second one nr. four and so on. If a competitor has hers/ his own ground crew she/ he will of course inform the competitor that her/ his assistance is not needed!

It will be clear that being ground crew can never be mandatory!

set up scheme standard precision