Key Elements:
- figure symetry
- the semi-circles flown simulteaneously by both kites
- keeping the kites in the given positions
- "IN" call:
as the kites start flying in an up-side-down position at ^30,
not closer to center window than <45
- After a right stretch two parallel semicircles are flown on the left side of the wind window,
with a diameter of about 20° and 30°.
The kites have the leading edge in the flying direction.
After the semi-circles a second pair of semicircles is flown at the right side of the wind window.
- "OUT" call:
when the kites have flown a straight line of at least 15°, with the kites in an up-side-down position.
[Eplanation: ]
last changes: dec 20; 1998