Key Elements:
- the two full rotations done simulteaneously
- horizontal, straight flight while rotating
- width of the figure, as drawn
- "IN" call:
at the starting points, with the kite in vertical position
- At start the left wing touching the ground at about <35 and <50.
A straight line upwards is flown until about ^20 is reached.
Then a 720° c.w. spin (two full rotations) is performed, simulteaneous by both kites.
The center of the kites should follow a straight, horizontal line during these rotations,
as is shown on the diagram.
When the kites have reached >50 and >35 respectively,
at the end of the rotations,
they are stopped and flown downwards.
- "OUT" call:
when the kites land at their left tip, at >90 and >70.
[Eplanation: ]
last changes: dec 20; 1998