Copyright: H. Jansen op de Haar 1998, 1999
| content | introduction | rules | compulsories | formats | procedures |
These rules are ment to assure to every competitor a fair,honest and
competition. They are (or should be) an agreement between flyers, officials, organisers and
about how a competition during a sport kite flying event should be run and judged.
Of course they assume sportmanlike behaviour from all competitors and officials.
The Rules , in general, describe the terrain of the Chief Judge. All that is happening on the flying field(s) (and outside, regarding competition) during the event
The rules (the text of rules) in this book are sometimes accompanied by Explanations (between [ ]) and Comments(between { })
The Explanations are ment to help officials to take decisions as stated in the rules and they should not be altered.
Comments are there only to inform and they can be changed but,
preferably, only parts are added to these comments, leaving the earlier text as is . They are
not part of the rules.
Combining explanations and comments with the rules will make visible the learning and
development processes that, no doubt, will follow
procedures describe ways to act on certain times, to get certain things done in a good way. Since people will learn (hopefully) it might be wise to alter these procedures later (based on experience during events)
Although the forms sport kite competition can take are numerous, some have survived over the years. To avoid the need to change many parts of the Rulebook if a new one is used, the idea of the format is used. Though to be treated as rule, adding or changing a format is easier when kept separate.
This Rulebook is based on the assumption a Sanctioning Body exists.
The Sanctioning Body is the person, or group of persons, that can change rules and regulations, as well as decide on sanctioning events, license officials and competitors etc.,etc.
Although it should be a rule itself, the rule about changing the rules is included in this introduction, since such a rule itself can be changed by the sanctioning body anyway.
Procedures can be changed by the Chief Judge,but only for a specific event; and by the Sanctioning body, for either a specific event, or for general use.
Changes in procedures will go into effect not sooner than 30 days after competitors could have taken notice of these changes.
| content | introduction | rules | procedures | formats |